It's been a hot minute since I last wrote a blog. Inspiration was a aplenty, but the desire to pen it down was lacking. So, I decided to get back on the wagon, with a development that has been keeping me quite preoccupied.
I've been seeing a lot of the colour purple lately. Being the curious spiritual being that I am, I decided to explore the significance of this colour, and figure out how it places in my life at the moment.
To my surprise, purple is associated to spirituality, to the sacred and higher self, to passion, to the third eye, fulfillment, and vitality. Purple helps align oneself with the whole of the universe. (source: https://www.bourncreative.com/meaning-of-the-color-purple/ ).
With the pandemic being relentless and draining on our emotional health, especially the second wave, I've been feeling a spiritual awakening, perhaps stemming from a need to make sense of all the chaos and finding my own grounding.
Taking a lesson from Paulo Cohelo's "The Alchemist", I've been paying astute attention to the signs around me. A slight clarification- I'm not consciously seeking out these signs; instead, the signs are an extension to thoughts/questions/musings already existing and merely affirming them.
It's difficult to convey the sheer coincidences of these thoughts without freaking myself out, but I'm going to try. An easy one to talk about- when I'm thinking of someone, they either end up reaching out to me, or interacting with me either on social media, or pop-up as one of those memories on Facebook or Instagram. It's eerie how in tune that event turns out. It's not everyday I'm thinking of someone in particular, but I've noticed that when they become a singular thought with a specific recollected memory, it is then when the alignment occurs.
That's just one small example, and it's enough for me to recognize that there's power in our thoughts and energies we exude.
Even though I'm constantly evolving myself to be a better version, this realization has lead me to overhaul some perspectives and reevaluate how I approach different relationships in my life. Over time, I had developed crippling anxiety that was causing a lot of turbulence in not only relationships, but my behaviour as well. I was getting angrier, impatient, losing hope even; and all that combined wasn't making me feel good, especially when I started lashing out at the people I Iove.
Perhaps the pandemic was taking a toll and causing a bad bout of cabin fever. But the realization that I alone hold the keys to my thoughts and actions, and can control them, was the kick in the butt I desperately needed for the healing to begin. It was a conscious choice to evolve,and there's power in that.
I'm working everyday on being open-minded, more empathetic, patient. And I choose all this for my own sanity, my growth, my inner peace.
The painting created by me above was inspired by our trip to Provence, France,in 2013. The endless rows of fragrant lavender fields is all I can think of, and oddly enough, smell too.

I'm well aware that what I'm speaking of here isn't new. But it certainly feels new when one's exploring and living in the words that made no sense, until now. It's fascinating, and liberating too.
I invite you all to find the power we hold within ourselves and open our thoughts to the limitless possibilities that we can manifest our words, energies and beliefs into.
Stay safe & healthy.